Fresh personnel changes of the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers under the slogan “Reset” indicate that the neoliberal system is in deep crisis and unable to correct mistakes. The update of about 50% of the faces (mostly, secondary no-names) was not accompanied by discussions about the need to review the political-social course.
And without further explanation, it's clear: the large-scale privatization of the economy will continue, the oligarchs will retain influence on strategic areas (including energy), the humanitarian functions of the state will be cold, and the burden of war will be carried by average people.
Such changes will not add to the legitimacy of the government and will not hide the representative gap between those who work for the good of the country and those who sit in offices of power. Appointment of new ministers and dismissal of predecessors do not give people any real opportunity to influence decision-making because all new appointees are part of a political system that has been influenced by oligarchs for many years.
Each new wave of interruptions demonstrates: there is no true rotation among representatives of power. The government remains closed to working people – nurses and miners, railroad workers and teachers, who could, without regard to corporate owners, counter the capitalist selfishness that has driven Ukraine into a dead end. They feel the injustice and horror of war in their masses, and are therefore determined to make changes in the interests of the majority of society: reject external debts and tax luxury, seize illegally appropriated and exported offshore wealth, and take other measures to replenish wage funds, develop social infrastructure and make the country safer.
Only the self-organization of workers under the demands of radical deoligarchization and socialization can become a push to real change. Only people from the working class are able to bring liberation to the country and bring a new quality of politics.
The Social Movement affirms - only the unification of workers seasoned in class conflicts will allow to build a fair state in which everyone has a political voice, not just representatives of parasitic elites.
6 September 2024
Source Соціальний рух Facebook