This is the final programme, which has been put together in Amsterdam in the Easter meeting.
On the third day the programme changes in two ways, by having one big joint space between women, LGBTIQ* and racialized people. Also by having an excursion with some informal time to get to know each other.
Throughout the whole camp there will be leisure activities as board games, banner painting, conversation starters and “language cards”, which will show what language you can talk and practise, in lounge area.
Sunday 22 July: Welcome
22.00: Official Welcome and opening of the camp
• Welcome Rally – represent of the Red Green Alliance – 10 min
• Presentation of the camp, political and practical – DK – 15 min
• Presentation of Women and LGBTIQ* space – IT – 15 min
• Presentation of Racialized Space – FR – 10 min
• From 1968 to 2018, experiences of internationalism and revolutionary struggle – FR – 10 min
Monday 23 July: The Ecological Crisis of Capitalism: The need for an ecosocialist alternative
7.45 - 8.30: Breakfast
8.30 - 9.15: Delegation meeting
9.15 - 10.45: Educational: Ecosocialism and the energy sector – Daniel Tanuro (Secondly Christine Poupin, Marijke Colle)
This educational will cover the main points of ecosocialism including how and why ecosocialism should be considered an ideology. The educational will show how the field of ecology has the potential to break with the capitalist mode of production. The relation to other socialist viewpoints shall be clear. The educational shall include:
• Circular economy
• The shift to an international democratic and solidary energy production and consumption.
• Local production
• The relation between ecology and the workers movement.
Furthermore the educational will provide the concrete example of how ecosocialism can be used to analyse the energy sector.
10.45 - 12.00: Women’s space – Introduction (B + GB)
The women’s space is a place for struggle, where the woman subject’s place in the revolutionary movement is the focus and where sister solidarity is the framework. The women’s space is a political space and not a space that exist outside or independent of the capitalist patriarchal society, but in spite of the capitalist patriarchal society.
The first day of the space is a short introduction to the space, creating the party commission and then we will in small groups exchange experiences of oppression.
12.00 - 13.00: Interdelegation meetings / awareness team meets to coordinate
13.00 - 14.30: Lunch
14.30 – 15.45: LGBTQIA+ space – Introduction (IT + CH) - Open space
The space as a place of struggle, queer being infectious and the LGBTQIA+ space as a safespace. Small groups to share experiences of oppression and to get to know each other.
The formation of a party committee.
15.45 - 17.15: Workshops
− The impossible green capitalism (NPA)
− Reappropriation of lands (IT COM)
− Blocades of infrastructure: Ende Gelende, Hambacher forest (D / DK)
− Planned ageing and tools against it (practical workshop) examples as dumpster diving, upcycling, fixing things (DK)
− Bicycling: climate friendly and accessible cities (DK)
− Climate, class, race and catastrophes (DK)
− The technological limits against the eco-climatic collapse (EE)
− Animal-liberation and anti-speciesism: potentialities and limitations (EE)
− Food sovereignty, collective ownership and farming collectives (IT COM)
− Ecofeminism (DK)
17.15 - 17.45: Snack break
17.45 - 19.00: Space for racialized people – Introduction (FR NPA + ENS)
19.00 - 20.30: Delegation meetings
20.30 - 22.00: Dinner (camp coordination meeting)
22.30: Social get-to-know-each-other (DK)
Tuesday 24 July Sister solidarity and feminism
7.45 - 8.30: Breakfast
8.30 - 9.15: Delegation meeting
9.15 - 10.45: Educational: Revolutionary Perspectives of Feminist Struggle / Julia Cámara
This educational analyses the material basis for the formation of the political subject. It will reflect upon how other factors influence the formation of consciousness and how women’s movements and struggles can radicalise and create the conditions for the transformation into a revolutionary consciousness. This by using historical as well as contemporary struggles as examples.
This educational will oppose an essentialist and universal understanding of the concept of ”woman” and will propose an intersectional and Marxist understanding.
10.45 - 12.00: Feminist self defence – DK + SW Permanent Commissions:
Organizing Students – CH + NPA
Organizing Workers – ??
Migrant Solidarity – IT
Focus on connections that can be made outside the camp and how to have an impact in the struggle
12.00 – 13.00: Interdelegation Meeting
13.00 – 14.30: Lunch
14.00 - 15.45: Women’s space - Sister solidarity (EE)
Very short intro following up on the educational, and then start group discussion on how to build sister solidarity. The groups should put their points on posters, which can decorate the space, camp and party.
15.45 - 17.15: Workshops
− Women during 1968 in an international perspective (FR)
− Sexwork (IT COM)
− Women’s place in unions and political organizations (FR)
− Social reproduction theory (IT COM)
− Self-determination and reappropriation of bodies (including: abortion rights) (POL/DK) / if no one comes from Poland focus will be abortion rights and birth control with a critic of the medicine industry (DK)
− Building the feminist strike, with a focus on the strike as a feminist tool and with focus on reproductive and care work (EE)
− Origin and models of intersectional feminism: historical view (IT)
− Migrating women’s journey and what makes their situation specific (BEL)
− Cyber sexism (DK)
17.15 - 17.45: Snack break
17.45 - 19.00: LGBTQIA* space – Transformation of relations (B) – Open
19.00 - 20.30: Delegation meeting
20.30 - 22.00: Dinner (camp coordination meeting)
22.00: Rally before women’s party
22.30: Women’s party
Wednesday 25 July: Racism, imperialism and the far-right
7.45 - 8.30: Breakfast
8.30 - 9.15: Delegation meetings
9.15 - 10.45: Educational – The Rise of the Far Right / Michael Löwy (secondly Emre Ongun, Sarah Farris)
The growth in far right is decisive change and political fact going on right now and last few years. This growth is happening very many places. The educational should analyse why this is the case and should analyse the consequences for different groups and society and discuss strategies for resistance.
10.45 – 14.00: Joint space between LGBTIQ*, women and racialized people (FR NPA + ENS) – The intersectionality of the feminist movement today + Snacks
Common introduction, then introductions on the topic from each space (10min each)
14.00 - 15.30: Workshops
− Discussion about Black Panters (FR NPA)
− The fight of street vendors (EE)
− Fascist organizations and militia (EE)
− Anti-racist mutual aid; economical experiences in the acquisition of rights – Fuori Mercato (IT)
− What is colonialism-imperialism today? Decolonial perspectives (IT COM)
− Colonization of Greenland, consequences for Greenland of Denmark’s colonialism and racism towards people from Greenland in Denmark (DK)
− Situation in Brazil, political repression (BR)
− Politicizing the solidarity with migrants (B)
− Fortress Europe (DK)
− Popular history of rap (FR)
15.30 - 19.30: Trip + lunch
19.30 - 21.00: Delegation meeting
21.00 - 22.30: Dinner (camp coordination meeting)
Thursday 26 July: LGBTQIA* - Queer Revolt
7.45 - 8.30: Breakfast
8.30 - 9.15: Delegation meetings
9.15 - 10.45: Educational: ”Revolutionary perspectives in sexualpolitics” / Mauro Muscio
Which revolutionary role do radical sexual politics play? Where and how do we see the possibilities for this today. Theory and historical and contemporary examples and experiences. (A focus on the openings for a revolt instead of the last couple of year’s analysis of the challenges neoliberalism poses to this.)
10.45 - 12.00: LGBTQIA+ space (committee present a plan for the space and the party)
Discussion and planning of the party.
12.00 - 13.00: Interdelegation meeting
13.00 – 14.30: Lunch
14.30 - 15.45: Permanent Commissions
Organizing Students – CH + NPA
Organizing Workers - ??
Migrant Solidarity – IT
15.45 - 17.15: Workshops
− LGBTQIAP*phobias in school (FR ENS)
− Bisexual erasure (EE)
− Homonationalism, femonationalism, and islamophobia (CH)
− Relation between mutual aid/self management and the right to healthcare (IT COM)
− Gender and language. Gendered languages and how to queer it (BEL)
− Representation of the LGBTQIA* in the media (BEL)
− Sexuality and women’s pleasure (FR NPA)
− Marxism in the LGBTQIA* Movement – Focus on prides (DK)
− Points on trans + intersex life (DK+NPA)
− Queer theory and practices (IT COM)
17.15 - 17.45: Snack break
17.45 - 19.00: Women’s space - “Couples, Romantic Love and Monogamy” (DK)
Critic of romantic love, but also talking about alternatives.
19.00 - 20.30: Delegation meeting 20.30 - 22.00: Dinner (Camp coordination meeting)
22.00: Rally
22.30: LGBTQIA+ party
Friday 27 July: The organisation of workers, Education politics and the Youth
7.45 - 8.30: Breakfast
8.30 - 9.15: Delegation meetings
9.15 - 10.30: Permanent Commissions
Organizing Students – CH + NPA
Organizing Workers - ??
Migrant Solidarity – IT
10.30 – 12.00: Educational: Precarity and organizing the youth, with many perspectives from outside Europe and in Denmark by Nina Trige
The educational should touch upon and expand the following issues:
• Precarious working conditions. What do we mean by precarious? What is our analysis of precariousness and what does that analysis entail for the struggle of the workers?
• The struggle of students, solidarity between students and workers and the entry to the working force.
• The organisation of freelance and casual workers.
12.00 – 13.00: Interdelegation meeting
13.00 – 14.30: Lunch
14.30 – 15.45: Women’s space: The fight against Violence against Women (IT)
Intro about the experience of Non Una di Meno with the experience of Piano Antiviolenza.
15.45 - 17.15: Workshops
− Deliveroo strike in France (FR NPA)
− Labor conflicts in precarious sectors (EE) OR The importance of create alternative leisure spaces (EE)
− Apprenticeship in late capitalism: role model Switzerland? School-work alternance and unpaid labour (IT SA + CH)
− Organizing in universities: Which is the best form today? Which is the aim? Experiences from Tolouse bringing in changes in student unionism after Loi Travail (FR NPA)
− Organizing foreign workers in established unions, introduction with a positive example from the metro construction in Copenhagen (DK)
− #MeToo in the unions: Have our unions become feminists? - Discrimination of LGBTIQ* people and women in the workplace (DK)
− Feminist demands in general agreements, reproductive and care work being negotiated (DK)
− Women in construction – representation of women in the building industry and the consequences with cities made for men (DK+IT)
− Theory of social dumping as a capitalist tool, with international perspective, ex. Palestine/Israel (DK)
− Revolutionary perspectives in underground culture (FR-NPA)
− New alternative unionism (IT)
17.15 – 17.45: Snack break
17.45 – 19.00: LGBTQIA* space (DK)
Closed space. Internal discrimination / How do we get a unified and inclusive movement?
19.00 - 20.30: Delegation meeting
20.30 - 22.00: Dinner (camp coordination meeting)
22.30: Movie screening of “Sozialabbau das isch de hass” (CH)
Saturday 28 July: From dream to revolutionary reality – Self-organization and autonomy
7.45 - 8.30: Breakfast
8.30 - 9.15: Delegation meetings
9.15 - 10.45: New strategies for revolutionary struggles in the face of neoliberal crisis and the rise of authoritarian states / Penelope Duggan
The current stage of neo-liberal crisis and the drift to authoritarian states. Our responses to fight it, social movements and changes in class composition; political organization as our tool for revolution.
− Which revolutionary possibilities exists in the international authoritarian drift
− Fall-back into national state perspective while economical blackmail policies from supranational structures
Strategical proposals
Which revolutionary strategy in social movements do we need?
Starting from the demand of rights to build counterpower structures
Strategical reorganization perspectives: self organization, broad parties and united front
10.45 - 11.45: Space for racialized people – (FR ENS + NPA)
11.45 - 12.45: LGBTIQ* Space – Balance Sheet (IT)
12.45 - 14.15: Lunch
14.15 - 15.45: Workshops
− The general strike (FR NPA)
− How to organize revolutionaries today (DE)
− Rojava experience, comrade who has personal experience with the struggle (DE/DK)
− Broad party and how we can be a revolutionary activist in it (FR ENS)
− Marxism and populism (EE)
− Conflictual mutualism as strategic horizon in order to create self-organization (IT COM) − − How to organize in the fight against EU’s capitalist structures (DK)
− The 8th March preparation in Spanish state, with practical and organizational experience (EE)
− Conspiracy theories in times of crisis (GB)
− Mass surveillance and digital challenges (FR ENS)
− State repression (FR NPA)
15.45 – 16.45: Women’s Space – Balance Sheet (FR NPA)
16.45 - 17.15: Snack break
17.15 - 18.45: Delegation Meetings
18.45 - 20.30: Camp Coordination Meeting + Packing
20.30 - 22.00: Dinner
22.00: Closing Rally and see you next year