Workers at PepsiCo’s São Paulo and Sorocaba plants in Brazil have begun a strike for shorter working hours following the company’s intransigence in negotiating demands for changes in working hours that would put an end to work schedules of only one or two days off a week. The strike is driven by STILASP (São Paulo Dairy and Food Workers Union), which organizes the category in the Brazilian state.
The movement at PepsiCo is the first strike in Brazil as a result of the mobilization against the 6x1 scale (with only one day of rest per week), which has been growing in recent months and has mobilized workers from various sectors of the economy against the ultra-exploitation of this inhumane working hours. In recent weeks, demonstrations have taken place in various cities across the country demanding changes to the working hours and a virtual petition calling for these changes has already received three million signatures.
Brazilian civil society, social movements and trade unions are campaigning in solidarity with the PepsiCo strike.
It is one of the world’s largest food companies, and we want the criticism to echo across five continents, so that millions know that Pepsi, so acclaimed in its soft drink advertisements, is intransigent against its own workers.
From unions, movements, leaders, and political organizations worldwide, we stand with the strike of PepsiCo workers and demand that the company respect the workers’ demands!
27 November 2024