Support and solidarity motions

The World Congress of February 2025 approved a number of motions of solidarity and support.

Defend Panama's right to its canal

In Panama, extractivism has been hit hard.  An alliance between the most important mass organizations gave rise to a series of mobilizations. The resulting social outcry forced the closure of the mine's operations.

In retaliation, since 18 November 2023, the government and banks have closed most of the bank accounts of the Sindicato Único de Trabajadores de la Construcción y Similares (SUNTRACS).

This year, the accounts were completely shut down on the instructions of President Mulino. This was in retaliation against SUNTRACS’ aggressive campaign against Bill 163 that aims to transfer  20 billion dollars of Social Security Fund reserves to private finance capital. This bill will aggravate the already meagre pension funds by moving the entire system to individual accounts, and will also increase the retirement age.

As Donald Trump sets out to colonize the country once again and regain control of its main asset, the canal, the Panamanian government is attacking its own people and granting dangerous concessions to the United States. For example, the military base in the Darien jungle which is intended to be used as a concentration camp to incarcerate migrants expelled from the USA.

We demand that the Panamanian government immediately unblock the SUNTRACS accounts.  We demand that the infamous Bill 163 be withdrawn and that the government use its seat on the UN Security Council to denounce Trump's dangerous threats. We denounce President Mulino’s treacherous action of redefining the southern border of the United States as being in the Darien jungle.

We urge you to launch a solidarity campaign to reopen the SUNTRACS accounts and defend Panama's right to its canal.


Support and solidarity to Joseph Daher

The Congress of the Fourth International offers its full support and solidarity to Professor Joseph Daher, who has been the victim of an arbitrary procedure by the management of the University of Lausanne (UNIL), which has suddenly and unjustifiably refused to renew his employment contract. 

An internationally recognized researcher, Daher is also a committed defender of the cause of the Palestinian people in their fight for their rights against the State of Israel. The dismissal of Joseph Daher is part of a wider political context of pressure and repression against scientists working in solidarity with Palestine. We vigorously and indignantly demand the immediate reinstatement of our colleague Joseph Daher to his teaching position in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at UNIL.


For the reinstatement of Gaël Quirante

The World Congress decides to take part in the European campaign for the reinstatement of Gaël Quirante at La Poste in France.

In 2018, the comrade was fired from La Poste by Macron’s Minister of Labor, for strike action dating back to 2010 and against the advice of the Labor Inspector. The Labor Inspector spoke of trade union discrimination against Gaël Quirante.

Our comrade has lodged an appeal for his reinstatement to La Poste with the European Court of Human Rights.

The World Congress decides to support this campaign and to demand the reinstatement of our comrade at La Poste.


28 February 2025
Approved by the World Congress


Fourth International