It was with great sorrow that we learned that our comrade Lal Khan was no more.
His involvement, and that of The Struggle, with the Fourth International was recent and, for us, particularly precious. He helped to open up our movement even more than was already the case to rich, varied, revolutionary and unitary militant traditions, in cooperation with the LPP current.
A veteran of the revolutionary struggle in Pakistan, South Asia, and internationally, Lal Khan and his comrades of that generation embody for us a legacy of exhilarating struggles, such as those of the years 1968-1969, of resistance to the repression of military regimes, of exile, and of returning home in conditions that were always unpredictable and dangerous, to continue tenaciously the task of building a revolutionary movement and putting forward a clearly socialist and anti-capitalist perspective.
A veteran, Lal Khan is one of those who, like our comrade Farooq Tariq, have put their experience at the service of a new militant, radical generation, fighting against all discrimination and inequality in a progressive perspective. Until his last breath, he kept his initial commitment alive.
We pay tribute to him.
We share the grief of his loved ones, his comrades of The Struggle, his fellow fighters.
Together we will continue his internationalist struggle.
Executive Bureau of the Fourth International
Paris, 2 March 2020