France: The situation in France, the NFP and the tasks of revolutionaries
20 hours 37 minutes ago
The situation in France is marked by the general crisis of capitalism and its place in the international balance of forces. It is currently in a very unstable equilibrium and, like many other countries, could tip over into the domination of the extreme right.
IVP602 - March 2025
Antoine Larrache
Toward a Socialist Approach to Crisis
1 day 21 hours ago
Ståle Holgersen is a Senior Lecturer in Human Geography at Stockholm University and a member of the ecosocialist Zetkin Collective. His new book makes essential contributions to socialist strategy in our crisis times and, more broadly, to theorizing crisis. He develops a fresh understanding of the ecological crisis as one expression of capitalist crisis tendencies and persuasively argues against the left shibboleth that capitalist crises are good for radicals. “Crises are the enemy,” writes Holgersen, in his characteristically clear, captivating voice. The book will advance thinking among socialists familiar with crisis debates and active in movement struggles. It will also be an excellent resource for people becoming politicized who are newer to radical ideas. I recommend the book both to your radical reading group, and to instructors teaching critical sociology classes at undergraduate and grad levels.
Reviews section
Ecology and the Environment,
James Cairns
Greece: the mass movement is back on track!
1 day 22 hours ago
February 28 was a historic day for Greece. The general strike represented the biggest mobilization at least since the fall of the military junta, in 1974, if not in the history of the Greek state altogether. Unprecedented rallies took place in more than 260 cities, including dozens abroad, as far as Argentina, South Korea, and Australia.
IVP602 - March 2025
Manos Skoufoglou
Germany: After the federal elections, resistance not adaptation!
2 days 23 hours ago
The results of the German federal elections held on 23 February 2025 confirm that the country's shift to the right can be halted. In parliament, the conservative CDU/CSU, with 208 seats, and the fascist Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), with 152 seats, have achieved the strongest positions. Together, they represent a large majority of the 630 MPs. The AfD sees itself as the real winner, having more than doubled its share of the vote from 10.3% to 20.8%.
IVP602 - March 2025
Heinrich Neuhaus, J. H. Wassermann
For Ukraine without oligarchs and occupiers!
3 days 20 hours ago
The predatory policies of the newly elected U.S. president make it impossible to establish a lasting peace for Ukrainians. Ukraine's refusal to sign the mineral extraction agreement, designed to serve the interests of American capital, demonstrates the country's determination to avoid colonial dependence. This opens the door to exploring a more equitable model of relations between Ukraine and the states of Europe, Asia, and the rest of the world under the banner of resistance to imperialist domination. However, if the current approach persists, Ukraine risks facing an imminent reduction or even a complete halt of military aid from the United States.
IVP602 - March 2025
Sotsialnyi Rukh
‘Since 1967, 35% to 37% of Palestinian society has spent time in Israeli prisons'.
4 days 23 hours ago
Salah Hamouri
So-called axis of resistance
4 days 23 hours ago
Joseph Daher
Austerity or Raising the Minimum Wage: Catarina Martins on Portugal's Experience
4 days 23 hours ago
Catarina Martins was the national coordinator of the Left Block, a democratic socialist political party in Portugal, from 2012 until 2023. She was elected a Member of the European Parliament in the 2024 European election and sits in the Left group in the European Parliament — GUE/NGL. Catariana has a training in linguistics and a theatre occupation.
Catarina Martins, Denys Pilash
Against Left Pronatalism
4 days 23 hours ago
Neoliberalism enforces family responsibility with a cruel logic: a couple who can't afford rent without both their incomes are a couple who stick together. A young adult who can't afford college without student loans is a child who remains bound to her parent. Lack of public spending on public goods forces poor and working-class people into economic dependence on their relatives. Meanwhile, for the rich, the private family is reinforced as a main conduit for wealth transmission.
Robin Peterson
Autonomous for Abortion Care
5 days 16 hours ago
In the face of escalating restrictions and criminalization of abortion, Naomi Braine's Abortion Beyond the Law highlights the transformative power of mutual aid and solidarity in ensuring access to abortion, despite oppressive laws.
Reviews section
Abortion and reproductive rights
Jex Blackmore
8 March: Solidarity with women in Gaza, the DR of the Congo, and of the world at large
5 days 22 hours ago
On this international day of struggle for the rights of women, the CADTM reasserts its commitment to feminist movements that fight systemic oppressions everywhere in the world: patriarchal capitalism, neocolonial exploitation, and militarized violence.
IVP602 - March 2025
CADTM International
Argentina: Milei, the crypto-presidential scam and the crisis of legitimacy
6 days 23 hours ago
On 14 February 2025, Argentine president Javier Milei used his Twitter/X account to promote $LIBRA, a recently created cryptocurrency. The tweet - immediately relayed by his sister Karina (Secretary General of the Presidency and a key figure in “La Libertad Avanza”, the presidential party) as well as an army of ‘influencers' close to the government - helped propel the digital asset.
IVP602 - March 2025
Nicolas Menna
“America First” and the great upheaval in international relations
1 week ago
The “America First” logic, adopted by the US neofascist movement known as MAGA, may seem rational to those who are not familiar with the economic history of international relations. According to Trump and his acolytes, America has spent huge sums of money protecting its allies, especially the rich countries among them, i.e. the geopolitical West (Europe and Japan in particular) and the Gulf Arab oil states. It is time for them to pay off the debt: all these countries must foot the bill by escalating their investments in the United States and their purchases from it, especially their purchases of weapons (which is what Trump means by his constant pressure on the Europeans to increase their military spending). All of this naturally falls within the mercantile logic consistent with the nationalist fanaticism that characterizes neofascist ideology
IVP602 - March 2025
United States (USA),
Gilbert Achcar
Palestine: still on the brink of catastrophe
1 week 1 day ago
The second phase of the ceasefire agreement should come into force next week, but it will probably be postponed by Israel. In a break with plans, Benyamin Netanyahu and his cabinet have suspended the release of 600 Palestinians under the terms of the agreement until further notice.
IVP602 - March 2025
Édouard Soulier
Tikva Honig-Parnass 1929-2025
1 week 2 days ago
I am so sad to learn of the death of my dear friend Tikva Honig-Parnass. Tikva was a fearless socialist, a committed feminist, and one of the most consistent and principled anti-Zionists I have ever known. I was privileged to work with her during the first Palestinian Intifada, when she was acting director of the Alternative Information Centre in Jerusalem, and I was editor of the centre's monthly English-language journal News From Within.
In Memoriam - Obituaries and appreciations
Roland Rance
Belgium: First mass mobilisation against the federal government
1 week 2 days ago
After eight months of negotiations and political theatre in Belgium, the new federal coalition (N-VA, MR, Les Engagés, CD&V and Vooruit), which ranges from the right to the social liberals via the Christian Democrats and is called ‘Arizona' because of the political colours of the parties that make it up, finalised its government agreement at the end of January, with the blessing of the employers. Its programme constitutes a major anti-social offensive and is already meeting with significant resistance from the population.
IVP602 - March 2025
Mélodie Vandelook
Seven ways that Trump is a danger to America and the world
1 week 3 days ago
President Donald Trump is a menace—a mortal danger—to America and the world. We knew before he was elected that he would be a threat to our well-being, but in his first weeks in office he has proven to be far more dangerous than anyone foresaw. From foreign policy, to public health, to the environment, to the lives of working class and poor people his policies will be catastrophic, increasing the urgent need for strategies of resistance.
IVP602 - March 2025
United States (USA)
Dan La Botz
The challenge of broad left parties in 2025
1 week 3 days ago
The 2008 crash and resulting politicisation saw the rise of broad left parties in many countries. However in most cases, this wave has crashed, and the tide has turned, posing new challenges for these projects and for revolutionaries operating within them. In this opinion piece, Cian Prendiville reflects on these questions and attempts to plot a way forward.
New parties of the left
Cian Prendiville
Why I am rejoining Solidarity and some thoughts on the future
1 week 3 days ago
A longtime friend, with whom I share a mutual respect, recently sent me an email regarding my decision to rejoin Solidarity.* What follows are the texts (slightly edited) of a two-part answer to him, and then my replies to a couple of emails he sent in response.
Fourth International,
Historical events and figures
Paul Le Blanc
To save the environment, we must end the profit system
1 week 3 days ago
A Portuguese translation of my book, Facing the Anthropocene: Fossil Capitalism and the Crisis of the Earth System, was published in Brazil in 2023. I was subsequently interviewed by Claudia Antunes for the multilingual magazine SUMAÚMA, a radical environmental journal that takes its name from one of the largest trees in the Amazon rainforest. SUMAÚMA published the interview in September 2024. This lightly edited version was published in Monthly Review in January 2025.—Ian Angus
Ian Angus
7 hours 6 minutes ago
International Viewpoint, the monthly English-language magazine of the Fourth International, is a window to radical alternatives world-wide, carrying reports, analysis and debates from all corners of the globe. Correspondents in over 50 countries report on popular struggles, and the debates that are shaping the left of tomorrow.
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