Statement of the Fourth International
Since 12 February, the electronic site of news and popular debates Aporrea.org <http://aporrea.org> has been blocked for access inside Venezuela by the state company CANTV - Movilnet.
Aporrea is one of the most active media at the service of the struggles of the Venezuelan people, with news and opinion articles from social movements and activism and from a diversity of organizations and currents of the Bolivarian revolution.
Considering very especially that, at this moment, Aporrea is one of the means in which the campaign against imperialist intervention in the country is expressed, the Fourth International considers that it is fundamental to cease this blockade and re-establish access to the Web page. At this moment, more than ever, the full democratic right of expression and access to information and opinions by the thousands of aporrea users constitutes an indispensable tool for sustaining the anti-imperialist struggle.
The Fourth International thus calls on all organizations of the left, democratic and anti-imperialist to join an international campaign for the end of the state blockade to aporrea.org <http://aporrea.org> , addressing letters and e-mails to :
the PP Ministry for Communication and Information @Mippci.
CANTV @ContactCantv
CONATEL @conatel
Nicolás Maduro, Presidencia de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela @NicolasMaduro @DPresidencia
With a copy to: Ministerio del Poder Popular para las Relaciones Exteriores @CancilleriaVE
Adopted unanimously by the International Committee
6 March 2019